Jim Walsh's Big Hairy Weblog Thingy

Friday, May 08, 2009

Back on the Air

Your humble and loving narrator will be filling in on WDAY/Fargo Monday 5/8 noon to three, Central.

It's my first time on the air in several years. Should be interesting...

Friday, May 01, 2009

Bordering on Idiocy

The Seal-the-Borders crowd is at it again; this time trying to tie in the Swine Flu scare with the little brown ones comin' over the border. For the straight story on this issue, go here and here...

And if you think these clowns are not spewing race-baiting demagogy, then ask yourself: if the source of the bug were, say, Canada, would you hear so much as a peep from the neo-knownothings...